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Thoughts about Facebook

Lots of people continue to avoid Facebook and you can't much can blame them.  For our Agoura Alumni, Facebook is extremely helpful and actually quite a bit of fun, and it is because of the Groups feature.  Here are some thoughts about Facebook:

Facebook Friends.  This is the subject which is probably the main reason people avoid Facebook.  Facebook uses your friends list in a rather bad way.  For example, your author has trimmed his friends list to 20 as of this writing.  5 local people, 5 family members and 10 Agoura alum.  So Facebook routinely puts my nieces in front of my locals in front of Agoura folk asking: "Someone You Know?"  Facebook is always looking to get the Friends list expanded for everyone, regardless of whether we want Facebook to do this. 
Fortunately, you can use Facebook WITHOUT using the Friends function AT ALL!  Why bother?  If you sign up at Facebook and give minimal information, you would be then able to use the great part of Facebook, namely Groups.

Facebook Groups.  Agoura Alumni have a number of groups which serve various purposes.  Some grad years have their own group, and so their focus is on their grad-year classmates.  In a sense what could be considered the opposite of that, Agoura has a group called "Agoura High Alumni", which is "all inclusive" of all things Agoura. 
For those of us from Agoura's early years a group was formed in February 2018 and was named "Class of 1969's 50 (yr) Reunion" and was created to bring attention to the reunion of 2019.  This made Facebook extremely helpful in gathering people together literally in person at the extremely successful reunion of April 2019, but bringing people back into contact via the internet also. 
The Class of 1969 started a wonderful tradition when they organized what was Agoura High School's very first reunion, held in 1979 with the open invitation to the earlier classes of '67 and '68, who had not had a reunion at all.  Keep in mind that the class of '67 was very small, as the rural community had not advanced very far with what would become explosive growth.  A few of us from 1970 attended this reunion as well, and it was a fabulous occasion.  While I was a bit younger than most and had little direct contact with them while in school, my face was familiar and I was greeted by just about everyone in attendance there in the banquet room of the Universal Hilton.  This practice of "open invitation" has been repeated amongst Agoura's early years, and came full circle at 1969's 50 Year in 2019. 
The decision was made after the reunion to change the name of this Facebook group to "Agoura High School 50 Year Reunions" so that this well-established group could continue to help the reunions of the classes of 1970 and 1971.  The 1970 reunion had to be cancelled due to virus considerations, but plans are in the works for an outdoor beach camping trip in September 2020 and weekly Zoom video chats have begun.  These activities as well as plans for another open reunion hosted by 1970 and 1971 for 2021 will all be part of the Facebook group founded by the class of 1969. 
Since the class of 1972 has their own Facebook group which certainly have its focus in 2022 on their 50 year reunion, the plan for the 1969 group after the 2021 reunion will be to change the name of the group (no effect on members) to something akin to "Agoura's Early Years" and remain the home group for those people and their activities for the foreseeable future.  In conclusion, the Facebook Group feature can be used to find people of like-minded interests of all kinds; you name it, it's there to be found and enjoyed. 
Just feel free to ignore the "Friend Requests" that come your way once you are on Facebook!

This site founded March 1999 by Bryan Campbell, Agoura High School Class of 1970.